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What is netlinking?

Today, it is no longer enough to create a website to attract customers. Competition is fierce and the web is full of various sites offering the same activity as yours. To get ahead in this digital jungle and gain visibility, there is only one solution: move up in the search engine results (SERPs). Did you know that 92% of clicks on Google are made on the first page of results ? 

That's why, in addition to improving the signals on your site, it is important to create links that will popularise your pages. This is called netlinking!

The principle of netlinking is very simple: it consists of multiplying the URL links pointing to your website (backlinks) and your pages, in order to increase your popularity with Google. In concrete terms, the algorithm detects the multiplicity of references made to you and concludes that you have influence and weight among Internet users. Result: you move up in the rankings!

But beware, SEO is an area that requires thought and strategy. Indeed, if Google knows how to favour the most popular sites, it also has the power to penalise them. The filter called "Penguin", for example, aims to clean the Google index of sites that have abused these links. To avoid being detected, it is therefore very important to adopt the right netlinking strategy, a strategy that we suggest you discover below.

Which netlinking strategy to adopt?

The primary objective of the Accesslink platform is to allow your niche sites or your deep pages (all the pages of your site apart from the home page) to gain links. It is recommended to start with easy and low-competition queries in the short term and then tackle the important queries for which you will need time and patience.

In addition, to obtain the favours of Google and avoid the terrible Penguin filter, you must pay attention to the anchors of your links. Indeed, they should not exceed 5 to 6% on the same keyword. SEO thus requires some precautions to be effective. However, by commissioning Accesslink for your netlinking, the task will be greatly facilitated. The links will allow you to effectively push your less competitive queries and will allow you to easily dilute your link profile to avoid panicking Pinguin!

Why choose netlinking with Accesslink?

Accesslink offers you to multiply your links across the web from 5 € per sponsored article. For this price, you can enjoy articles of at least 650 words, written by our team of writers. The articles are unique and valid for life on our independent WordPress sites.

With Accesslink, you will be able to position your articles on more than 4,000 sites, 15 themes and 6 languages (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch). Because referencing does not wait, our netlinking service delivers your articles in record time! You can see the delivery time of the day's articles on the home page.

Order your articles, consult your history, follow your statistics and evolve in full autonomy thanks to our intuitive and powerful Dashboard!